Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Email #8 (Queen Creek, AZ)

October 14, 2013
Hola! How is everyone this fine Monday? Thank you so much for all the emails and pictures! I am going to try and respond to all of you, but if I don't, please don't hate me!
I love hearing from all of you, though! It sounds like life is going good in the Lattin home! You are all amazing and my inspiration. Speaking of family-- funny story! We were giving this family (the Carrillos) of recent converts a lesson on how to do noche de hogar (FHE) and why it's important. I shared the scripture Mosiah 18:21 and started talking about how grateful I was for my family and that when we had family home evening in our home, our hearts were better knit together in unity. When I started talking about you, I got a little teary, and it came out of nowhere! I tried to pretend like I was fine and powered through without crying. I thought they hadn't noticed but then Adriana (the mom) mentioned it after our lesson and I was a little embarrassed. But it happened just because I love you all so much! Thank you for teaching me the principles of the Gospel and helping me learn and grow in this Church! I am so blessed!
Anyways, a cool thing that's happening this week is that Francisco, one of our investigators, is getting BAPTIZED this Saturday!!!! He is so awesome. His wife, Teresa, and several of his kids have joined the Church in the past few months. Their entire family is just amazing. Actually, Adriana, the lady I was talking about earlier is their daughter. We go over to Teresa and Francisco's house basically every day to teach him, and they are both amazing. Hna. Chavarri and her old companion Hna. Baria were already teaching them before I got here, and Francisco already had a baptismal date, but we have been teaching him the past two weeks and his testimony just continues to get stronger and stronger! Teresa, his wife, is one of the sweetest, cutest people I have ever met. She has a firm testimony and is so loving and kind, and cares so much about her husband and children. I love her! Their entire family is always over at their house, so I've met all of their kids, and many of them are members. They are all so nice to me, even though I'm just a gringo trying to learn Spanish:) They call me "Posi" (I'm not sure if that's how you spell it... but that's what it sounds like!), which is an abbreviation of "pues si" which means "well, yes". They're yougest son, Francisco Jr. (who is 17 and just got baptized last month, he's hysterical, he reminds me of Jake Boettcher), always says that around the house as a joke. They were all saying it one day and then they told me to say it... so I did and they all laughed hysterically. I'm not sure if it was at me or with me... hahaha but for some reason they thought it was pretty funny. (Don't worry, I've already made sure that that's what it means. Hopefully Hna. Chavarri isn't lying to me.) So, now that's what they call me, "Posi". I love that family:) It's amazing that even though I've only been out here for two weeks, I already have a great love for the people.
Another thing I want to quickly tell you about is that yesterday I bore my testimony in our Spanish ward during sacrament meeting! It was probably the scariest thing EVER, but it was an amazing experience. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind to bear my testimony, but then the meeting started and the Spirit made my heart pound and my hands got sweaty and I knew I had to get up there. Hermana Chavarri bore a beautiful testimony with her flawless Spanish. She is so awesome. I love her! And then she sat down and said "you're turn!" I think she was a little surprised when I told her I actually really wanted to go up. And then after I told her I wanted to do it, there was no turning back:) haha but it was amazing because I was praying so hard that I would be able to do it, and I knew I couldn't do it alone, so I just told Heavenly Father that I was going to rely completely on Him. I got up there and I was shaking I was so nervous, but as soon as I started talking, it all came out so easily. It was just like Francisco's lesson. It was very simple, but I did it! It was an amazing experience. It just goes to show that Heavenly Father answers our prayers!
Okay Mother dear, here are the answers to your questions:)
1. We are living in our own house with another companionship! It's owned by a member but we have it to ourselves. It's fun!
2. Yes, the ward feeds us every night! I've had some AMAZING Mexican food. I love it! The members are sooooo nice and so willing to feed us and help us out whenever we need!
3.We have a mission card for groceries and stuff!
4. We have both a car and bikes. But because our bike rack doesn't really work, we've been mostly driving. I have a funny story to tell you about that but I don't have time to tell it so I'll write a letter to you guys this week and tell you:) it's hysterical!
I love you all so so so so so so soooooooo much!
All of you should write me letters because getting mail is the best thing ever:) Haha plus, I don't have to wait until P-day to read it!
Have an amazing week and I'll talk to you next Monday!
I love you more than all the cute babies I saw on Sunday at church!:)
Hermana Lattin


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